Monster In-A-Box 2.0 - Deluxe Edition HD - DD
View / read / follow the Step-By-Step Tutorial on how to build this amazing prop only on our blog.
We've also created a special Monster In-A-Box 2.0 Complete Pneumatics Kit that has all the pneumatic parts you need to add the animated moving lid / top to your own prop.
Hi-Rez Designs has broken new ground (again) by putting a new spin on the decades old prop, the Monster in a Box.
"Monster In-A-Box 2.0" adds new Hollywood-Quality Special Visual FX to this prop so you can actually SEE the vicious monster inside the animated box.
Using whatever LCD, LED TV, or computer monitor size you want (because there is no reference scale to what the size the monster can be ... like a zombie), simply mount your screen inside your 'box' and let the roars & screams begin!
Also included are several time length 'Attract-Mode' videos that have a black screen with 'monster breathing, growls & grunts' sound fx that you can have running when the monster itself isn't visible on the screen. These tracks are also included as MP3 audio tracks if you are using a prop controller instead of the Hi-Rez Relay Decoder.
As an extra added BONUS, we're also including all the box / crate "stickers" as 150dpi printable weathered artwork that you can print yourself on plain paper or adhesive sticker paper and apply to your finished crate prop. All artwork is provided with every purchase as a digital download. The download link / key will be emailed to you with 24 hours of your purchase of this product.
You can add interactivity and additional scares by adding the Hi-Rez Designs Relay Decoder that can activate pnuematics (to open and close the lid), turn on and off interactive lighting inside your box, turn on and off a fog machine, and even activate a Water Blaster Canon or Air Cannon during the playback sequence.
PLEASE NOTE: Hi-Rez Designs Monster In-A-Box 2.0™ visual fx product only comes in standard horizontal (normal wide-screen) viewing mode.

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Once you have completed this purchase, you will receive the generated download link via email. Please make sure your email address is correct when making this purchase.
If you are planning to use this or any Hi-Rez Designs Visual FX product as part of a PRO / PAID HAUNTED ATTRACTION that charges admission, you must also purchase a COMMERCIAL USE LICENSE below.
Products listed as "SD" are the STANDARD DEFINITION digital video files and products listed with "HD" are the full HIGH DEFINITION digital video files versions.
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All Hi-Rez Designs Visual FX DVD products are restricted to non-profit HOME HAUNT & PERSONAL USE ONLY, and are protected by all federal copyright laws.
If you wish to use this or any Hi-Rez Designs Visual FX DVD products as part of a PRO / PAID HAUNTED ATTRACTION that charges admission, you must also purchase a COMMERCIAL USE LICENSE.
If you have questions or would like to purchase a commercial license for using Hi-Rez Designs Visual FX DVDs as part of your paid admission or pro haunt, please email us at:
Federal Law provides civil and criminal penalties for the unauthorized reproduction, distribution, or exhibition of the copyrighted material of this product.
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All video, audio, and imagery © Hi-Rez Designs. All Rights Reserved.